Saturday, May 31, 2008

Day 1 One in Every Port

The taxi ride to the port took all of 7 minutes and check-in and getting on board was all over within the half hour. Amazingly fast really. I guess it was because I got there early. I recognised Sherri and Steve in the terminal and made myself known to them and Sherri’s folks. I knew they were going to be fun from the 1st - and I was right. They welcomed me into their group and I sat with them for lunch and then met up with them again at the sail away party where I had my first margarita of the cruise. Providence I call it that my favourite poison is the sail away special - a snap at $6.95 plus 15% gratuity - naturally I had to have one.
Before the ship leaves the dock you have to do a lifeboat drill. And let me tell you - they are not attractive garments by anyones standards - even if the elderly Aussie gentleman told me how sexy I looked in the ensemble. ( and no - I hadn’t even said hello to him at that point. )
Now the lifeboat drill is not optional - someone should have told the stragglers that, and we stood there on the chilly deck waiting what seemed like an eternity all bumping into each other because of the unaccustomed bulk of the outfits we all had on.
Then win 7 short blasts and one long one ( I think) of the ships siren, we were dismissed with our ears still ringing.
Still, that is nothing that a few sail away specials won’t fix and there were any amount of people eager to be in holiday mode by running up bar tabs at a staggering pace. Might have been the so so live music or it might have been the carnival atmosphere, but it was time to party and even a few brave souls decided to try out the pool and hot tub without further ado.
Once the ship had backed out of its park and we were heading in the right direction past the most fantastic view of the city and space needle, it was magic watching the snow covered peaks of the Olympic range (?) pass along beside us. Like nothing I’ve ever seen before and the temperature dropped noticeably in a short time and before I knew it, I had serious goosebump issues.
Now the Lido restaurant was surprisingly pleasant - lots of people on the cruise site consider this a last resort, but it was perfect for me because I couldn’t be bothered changing today and I just went in what I had on and ate with the most wonderful view out the window.
Its all white and various shades of blue. Not a Caribbean turquoise-y blue but the most wonderful nautical and royalty blue.
Ok… My cabin… good old 2571 on the starboard side ( don’t take that as gospel - Steve & Sherri are doing a great job of remembering where my cabin is for me) is wonderful. I didn’t think an inside cabin could be this spacious and I’m more than happy with it. I got upgraded a deck or two I think from what I originally booked so I am happy with that. And nowhere is far from the action - it never takes more than 3 minutes to return to my cabin from anywhere. The bed is HUGE and it’d fit 2 more comfortably - now don’t go getting any ideas… I’m just talking about the available space.
Loving the pillow chocolates and I can get the internet in my room - even if it does tend to boot me ofline from time to time. Better than none though.
Can not begin to describe the beautiful ship. All shiny and expensive looking. Potted orchids all over the place (course I’m not sure anyone is watering them so I give them a couple more days at the most before the flowers drop off ). The shops are full of beautiful things that I am not game yet to look too closely at lest I want something. The artwork is superb, strategically placed along walls and in alcoves - a little museum like.
So here I am sitting in the Piano bar in the evening, wishing I was game to sing along with the Billy Joel wanna-be cos I know all the words but am a little reluctant to make a fool of myself this early.
I love live music and I can’t think of a better place to be writing this blog right now than a piano bar with a drink at arms length.
I doubt it’ll be an early night- there is too much to do and see - even if most of it is geared to end well before midnight. (the bars are still open late though)
Which leads me neatly into the demographics of this cruise.
Let me put it this way - I’ve never felt younger. it’s the perfect antidote for feeling over the hill but to spend it with folks that are older and still know how to have a good time. There are even wheelchairs and walkers and it gives new meaning to the game of shuffle board. - but seriously, I pray that when I am that age I am still cruising too… and more power to them.


Sunny said...

Hi Lisa
Sounds fantastic so far .. tried to send you a text ... let me know if you got it ... It is flooding here rain rain rain .... so you arent missing much !!! Sunny xx

Lisa Valentine said...

Hiya Sunny girl...

Nope, the phone won't be operational till I get to Anaheim... send me an email...
Freezing here as well..


Sunny said...

Gee we are needing an update .. you havent posted for a few days .... dying to know how it is all going ... I did send that email but havent heard from you .... is everything OK?> or are you just having tooooooooo much FUN!!!! Hope that is the case.