Saturday, May 31, 2008

May 29 : Sleepless in Seattle

Another airline and another flight landed me in Seattle. The second we dropped through the clouds my first sight was the Space Needle towering over the Seattle skyline.
And before I knew it, we’d landed and I was struggling with my luggage and just caught the shuttle to the downtown area and mad it to the Warwick in one piece.
The room was ok but not fantastic. 1st things first, I set up my internet to see if I could do it.
One room service call later and I had a steaming bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup and a cheese and fruit platter to fill the gap. Which I’m pretty stunned was even there in the first place considering the volume of food I’d already consumed in the last 24 hours.
Now my problem was that while I was weary, I was too excited to sleep so I was truly sleepless in Seattle.
I did fall asleep though - eventually - and slept like a baby.
I woke up to the sound of Sirens and big city noise. Quick ablutions didn’t help my lack of time to explore too far so I headed across the road to the corner grocery store ( more like an IGA than a milk bar) and goggled at the foreign food and drinks and did a practice run with the ATM (successfully) and then went for a wander along the nearby streets.
Now let me say, American men are WAY more um… forward… than Australian ones. Within one street, I’d have at least 3 “good” offers and a hand full of ‘hey baby’s under my belt.
Chuckling to myself ( it was good for the ego after all - even if they might not have been the type to be too choosy), I wandered back to the room and finished packing up for the trip to the port.


Barb said...

woohoo... glad to see that you are travelling well....

Lisa Valentine said...

Hiya Barb... I have some great shots of ice to scrap now...
Glad to see you on the blog :)
