Tuesday, May 27, 2008

28 sleeps to go: Fanciful Booze, twisted Zoos and packing up my Disney shoes.

Ok, today was a pretty interesting mixed bag of stuff. First off, a customer at work was gushing about some cruise she was going on and as usual, my ears pricked up at the sound of the word ‘cruise’ and before you could say ‘drink of the day’ I was squeezing all the relevant info out of the poor unsuspecting customer… ‘ when’ – two weeks. ‘where’ – Alaska ( this is when I actually got interested). The next question was a given, ‘ what line’ – Holland America. (this is when my voice got a little more squeak in it than was professional) ‘which ship’ ( she asks – holding her breath) - Amsterdam.


Next question slipped out before I could stop it… or before the brain actually engaged…. ‘do you frequent the casino?’ – ‘well not really’ came the response.

At this point I was advocating that she check out the casino. So the poor bugger will be fronted with some random woman from the sunshine coast before long, passing on greetings from an old friend. And I’m still laughing at the thought. Actually she was pretty vague… she’ll probably forget anyway before then… she’d forgotten several things between the changerooms and the door…. :)

Another thing about the cruise that has captured my imagination is the towel animals that are supposed to turn up on my bed every day.

Now I just love this thought. And as I understand it, there is a book that shows you how to make them. That book so has my name on it. And it’ll live on the shelf beside my book on how to twist balloons into everything from the ubiquitous dog to a full blown sailing ship with all the trimmings.

I can’t wait to see what animals turn up, and needless to say, I will photograph each and every one. I’m told if you tell your room steward that you like them, the likelihood of getting more exotic creatures increases so guess what I’m going to be doing? :)

Whimsy appeals to me so bending a towel into shapes it was never designed for tickles my funny bone.

Another thing I’m looking forward to is the ‘drink of the day’. I’m a girl that can’t resist drinks with umbrella’s in them. Pink ones, blue ones, yellow ones, orange ones or a mixture of all of the above… the more colourful the concoction, the more enticing it is. Ram a piece of fruit onto the rim and HEY PRESTO, it has my name on it.

I won’t regale you with my friend’s rather colourful version of why a cocktail is so named, but I am rather partial to them and with a bit of luck the drink of the day will not see me inebriated by the first dinner sitting. :) The words of my mother now ringing in my ear – everything in moderation.

Yes mum, I’ll be a good girl… ( and if I can’t manage good, I’ll just be satisfied with being good at whatever I’m doing at the time :) )

I’ve also given way too much brain power to the question, ‘can I live without Vegemite for the duration of my trip to the US?’ And if not, will they allow an unopened tube of the hallowed axle grease that I simply can’t live without, through their stringent entry procedures?

And ok, I suppose I should be able to find something else to put on my toast, but I’ve been deprived of one of my favourite snacks for such a long time now that when I am allowing myself to have those delectable carbs again, will anything but Vegemite suffice?

I think not.

Unless of course I find waffles… then all thoughts of Vegemite withdrawals will be erased.

Waffles trump toast any day.

And drizzle chocolate on said waffles and really, the vegemite ceases to exist.

Cursed with a fickle palate am I.

So my plans for Disneyland and LA in general are all but decided upon, I’m just waiting on that money to turn up in my account next week and it will be a furious round of bookings and payments and then I REALLY start to get excited. Not until last week did I allow myself to truly believe I was going to be setting foot in that magical place this time around. And the thought makes little bubbles of pure joy bounce around in my chest every time it wanders to the top of my thoughts – which is often.

I’m a little sad to be going there alone, but I’m sure I’ll still come back to my room every night with enough pixie dust clinging to my hair to offset not having someone to share those moments with – well, maybe take the edge off anyway.

You never get another first time.

Enough shopping bags and I’m sure I’ll be pretty pleased with myself just the same, despite not having someone significant to mirror my enthusiasm.

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