Tuesday, May 27, 2008

9 sleeps to go: Jedi’s don’t eat Pizza.

Interesting title you might say… and right you would be. You will do your head in trying to figure it out so I’ll explain … soon….

“Have patience, you must…”

So.. .wow… what a lot of time has passed since I attempted to describe the insanity that is the pre-stages of a trip of a lifetime ( to date anyway).

And am I further ahead? Sadly not much.

With the money I had been banking on literally only banked mere days ago, now I am severely pressed for time to book and pay for all the things that still need to be done. A few disappointments… I missed out on the lodgings that I had picked out for Anaheim, and that while a little upsetting, was also not unexpected. Time is short and the best places always book first. I had little option to but to wait, so now its down to plan (about ) F and hopefully my TA will earn her money by getting all my accom ducks in a row – and quickly.

Its now down to my ever more horrifyingly long list of ‘to do’s that will get me into the terminal on the 29th without a hitch. And god willing – on time.

With the secrecy of my sojourn partially exposed now and the displeasure from all the people I expected it from – with one notable exception – thanks Virg… your excitement for me buoys me immeasurably – I now have to contend with the ‘what a waste’ attitude that I knew would dampen my spirits.

One child knows, and his list of ‘Mum, can you bring me …’ is steadily increasing.

The other is still blissfully unaware of her impending adventure of her own to spend time with her new cousin.

So… the title.

You may well be asking what the hell that is about and honestly, I’d be hard pressed to explain it other than this…

You know how when you are at high school and your BFF’s and yourself come up with some crazy sayings and ‘in jokes’? well, that’s pretty much where that one stems from. And there will be more like it, mostly because they make me laugh without reservation and the friend that emailed me a long list of possible equally cryptic titles (that I have every intention of using – thanks Lib :)) is also responsible for the Polar Bear Privates title of the blog.

I laugh every time I read it. I hope you do too.

Although, I’m uncertain about how I am meant to work in fur lined G-strings and captain Kremmen into the conversation but try I must if for no other reason than to provide a laugh… and if only the author and one other reader know what it’s about… so be it.

Thanks Lib for the title idea… I knew I could count on you.

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