Saturday, May 31, 2008

Day 1 One in Every Port

The taxi ride to the port took all of 7 minutes and check-in and getting on board was all over within the half hour. Amazingly fast really. I guess it was because I got there early. I recognised Sherri and Steve in the terminal and made myself known to them and Sherri’s folks. I knew they were going to be fun from the 1st - and I was right. They welcomed me into their group and I sat with them for lunch and then met up with them again at the sail away party where I had my first margarita of the cruise. Providence I call it that my favourite poison is the sail away special - a snap at $6.95 plus 15% gratuity - naturally I had to have one.
Before the ship leaves the dock you have to do a lifeboat drill. And let me tell you - they are not attractive garments by anyones standards - even if the elderly Aussie gentleman told me how sexy I looked in the ensemble. ( and no - I hadn’t even said hello to him at that point. )
Now the lifeboat drill is not optional - someone should have told the stragglers that, and we stood there on the chilly deck waiting what seemed like an eternity all bumping into each other because of the unaccustomed bulk of the outfits we all had on.
Then win 7 short blasts and one long one ( I think) of the ships siren, we were dismissed with our ears still ringing.
Still, that is nothing that a few sail away specials won’t fix and there were any amount of people eager to be in holiday mode by running up bar tabs at a staggering pace. Might have been the so so live music or it might have been the carnival atmosphere, but it was time to party and even a few brave souls decided to try out the pool and hot tub without further ado.
Once the ship had backed out of its park and we were heading in the right direction past the most fantastic view of the city and space needle, it was magic watching the snow covered peaks of the Olympic range (?) pass along beside us. Like nothing I’ve ever seen before and the temperature dropped noticeably in a short time and before I knew it, I had serious goosebump issues.
Now the Lido restaurant was surprisingly pleasant - lots of people on the cruise site consider this a last resort, but it was perfect for me because I couldn’t be bothered changing today and I just went in what I had on and ate with the most wonderful view out the window.
Its all white and various shades of blue. Not a Caribbean turquoise-y blue but the most wonderful nautical and royalty blue.
Ok… My cabin… good old 2571 on the starboard side ( don’t take that as gospel - Steve & Sherri are doing a great job of remembering where my cabin is for me) is wonderful. I didn’t think an inside cabin could be this spacious and I’m more than happy with it. I got upgraded a deck or two I think from what I originally booked so I am happy with that. And nowhere is far from the action - it never takes more than 3 minutes to return to my cabin from anywhere. The bed is HUGE and it’d fit 2 more comfortably - now don’t go getting any ideas… I’m just talking about the available space.
Loving the pillow chocolates and I can get the internet in my room - even if it does tend to boot me ofline from time to time. Better than none though.
Can not begin to describe the beautiful ship. All shiny and expensive looking. Potted orchids all over the place (course I’m not sure anyone is watering them so I give them a couple more days at the most before the flowers drop off ). The shops are full of beautiful things that I am not game yet to look too closely at lest I want something. The artwork is superb, strategically placed along walls and in alcoves - a little museum like.
So here I am sitting in the Piano bar in the evening, wishing I was game to sing along with the Billy Joel wanna-be cos I know all the words but am a little reluctant to make a fool of myself this early.
I love live music and I can’t think of a better place to be writing this blog right now than a piano bar with a drink at arms length.
I doubt it’ll be an early night- there is too much to do and see - even if most of it is geared to end well before midnight. (the bars are still open late though)
Which leads me neatly into the demographics of this cruise.
Let me put it this way - I’ve never felt younger. it’s the perfect antidote for feeling over the hill but to spend it with folks that are older and still know how to have a good time. There are even wheelchairs and walkers and it gives new meaning to the game of shuffle board. - but seriously, I pray that when I am that age I am still cruising too… and more power to them.

May 29 : Sleepless in Seattle

Another airline and another flight landed me in Seattle. The second we dropped through the clouds my first sight was the Space Needle towering over the Seattle skyline.
And before I knew it, we’d landed and I was struggling with my luggage and just caught the shuttle to the downtown area and mad it to the Warwick in one piece.
The room was ok but not fantastic. 1st things first, I set up my internet to see if I could do it.
One room service call later and I had a steaming bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup and a cheese and fruit platter to fill the gap. Which I’m pretty stunned was even there in the first place considering the volume of food I’d already consumed in the last 24 hours.
Now my problem was that while I was weary, I was too excited to sleep so I was truly sleepless in Seattle.
I did fall asleep though - eventually - and slept like a baby.
I woke up to the sound of Sirens and big city noise. Quick ablutions didn’t help my lack of time to explore too far so I headed across the road to the corner grocery store ( more like an IGA than a milk bar) and goggled at the foreign food and drinks and did a practice run with the ATM (successfully) and then went for a wander along the nearby streets.
Now let me say, American men are WAY more um… forward… than Australian ones. Within one street, I’d have at least 3 “good” offers and a hand full of ‘hey baby’s under my belt.
Chuckling to myself ( it was good for the ego after all - even if they might not have been the type to be too choosy), I wandered back to the room and finished packing up for the trip to the port.

Arrival: In for the long haul.

So as I boarded fight NZ6 to LAX I wondered how on earth I was going to stave off boredom within a few hours of the 11+ hour flight across the pacific.
I needn’t have worried. There was so much to watch on my little personal screen that in the end, I had to narrow the options and missed out on at least 5 ‘must see’ movies.
I watched ‘Dan Every Day’ (I think that’s what it was called) and that was pretty funny, and then was fed roast Lamb/veg followed by more of that delectable Kapiti ice cream that deserves its medals.
Deciding to live dangerously, I wandered into the kids selections of movies and watched half of the Bee Movie before nodding off. I stirred enough ( thanks to the two year old in the seat next to me kicking my leg for about the 7 millionth time ) and turned off the screen in the hope that I might fall asleep again.
Not a problem as it turned out - I slept soundly for a solid 5 hours and woke up only because they were announcing breakfast on the way.
Not going to be good for the hips just eating then sleeping then eating again.
I lucked out though, I got Blueberry/apple pancakes smothered in Manuka Honey - yum!
Now I wish I’d bought some in NZ. And the last movie I got to watch only half because they turned them off for the landing bits. It was a movie I’ve wanted to see for ages….
PS I Love You…..
Man…. What a tear jerker. I must have looked dreadful after that long flight and then crying for the last hour of it. Before I knew it - and I’m still amazed by how all those hours disappeared - I was exiting the plane and joining one of the longest queue’s I’ve seen. It snaked around in endless zig zags towards the customs officials letting people into the country one by scrutinized one.
A few fingerprints and cheery chat about the joys of cruising later, and I was off collecting my bags and heading from terminal 2 to terminal 3 ( once I located it)
The trick it seems is to look as lost as you possibly can and then people materialise to point you in the right direction.
So here I am. At the departure lounge for Alaskan Airlines with another hour to kill before the flight.
The moment I stepped off the plane on US soil, it was like walking into every sitcom I’ve ever seen. Actually the first ‘scene’ I noticed was more like one of my favourite cartoons.
You know the one… Sam the Sheep dog ( played by a plump customs official - jovial but efficient) waving to his skinny by comparison workmate with a drawled… “ morning Bob” and going about his business of herding us sheep down the right gates ready for the next part of our journey. All that was missing was clocking on.
And now here in another terminal, there is the quintessential ‘works too hard’ dad and uber-wife and two teen daughters ensemble - each with book, laptop, iPod and cell phone respectively, going about being together separately.
Next to me is a cross pollination of Barbie and Prom Queen complete with Valley girl dialogue telling the person on the other end of her phone that ‘of course she loved them’ and then proceeded to do the same to at least 4 more people.
Then there is the exhausted parents across the aisle with the toddler and early primary children in tow - both playing with piles of new toys being reefed out of new Disneyland bags. Dad catches a few moments sleep while Mommy watches the kids, the bags and breaks up the odd territorial scuffle over the new toys.
Further down the row of seats, the corporate couple dressed to impress with their latops perched on their knees - using every moment of downtime to no doubt set that deal in concrete.
And I don’t mean to generalise, but this is everything I imagined a slice of Americana to be like.
Likely this cross section of American Culture has many many more areas of light and shade but the ones that stood out are the ones I recgonise off the TV.
I have to say, so far, I love America. Everyone is so helpful and friendly ( well - except for one bus driver - but even he softened and helped me with my bags and chatted away for another 5 minutes before reboarding the bus and going on his way)
Its just fascinating to observe the nuances that I imagined existed here but you never really see on the TV.
The feeling of incredulity that I was actually seeing this far away dream destination out of my window seat bloomed into a full blown ‘can’t wipe the smile off my face’ countenance as I strolled from one terminal in the glorious sunshine to the other.
Despite being weary, I just can’t stop smiling.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Crucial Bits & Dummy spits

So Here I sit in the International departure lounge in Auckland and what a couple of days I've had.

In the last 48 hours I've had 4 hours sleep. Yep - sum total 4 hours. There was always going to be too much to do and not enough time to do it in so something had to give and sleep was optional.

There seriously is something amiss when you are still working on the bikini wax at 2am which you are doing in between hanging washing that is not yet the last load and that compounds when you forget - due to exhaustion -to use the pre-waxing oil provided so that the wax doesn't stick so tight that wax and skin become one. And thank the Lord for delerium cos without it the pain of rectifying that mess should have made me pass out. :)

It was pretty soon after that debarcle that I stopped fighting the blur and gave in and threw myself on the bed and set the alarm for two whole hours of blissful slumber.
It felt like 2 minutes.

But knowing that the 'must do' list was now getting culled, I had no option but to hoist my carcass off the queen size and soldier on - I can sleep on the plane right?
hmmmm... yeah right!

The last hour prior to departure has simply vanished from my memory. And from the flashes I get, thats probably fortunate.
Saying goodbye to no.1 son was too fast and everybit as traumatic as the same scene the day before when his baby sister walked across the tarmac without me South Australia bound. I really hadn't prepared myself for the wrench that turned out to be.
I'd been so focused on being ready, that I had blocked that emotional stuff and when it hit - it thumped.

Alas, I didn't have time to dwell on the 'what if's ' and threw the last few things into my suitcases, zipped them up adn hurled them out the door for the now late airport shuttle.
That sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach decended about 10 minutes away from home - realising that I'd left my 4 favourite T shirts and best jeans in the dryer in my haste.
So I have 2 t shirts in my possession now and am one hot pair of jeans down before I've even left the Sunshine Coast. Great start huh?

Reaching the check in, I sweated all the way through the line, not having time to weight my cases, only to be pleasantly surprised by the fact that I had a combined 8 kg up my sleeve for on the way home. YAY!

Customs was a breeze and now that I have one of those zappy things in my passport I get no stamp. That was disappointing.

Through security was lengthy but uneventful, thanks to having to take off my buckled up boots and all the essential electrical equipment that I cannot live without having to go through the x-rays unpacked.
And lucky me.... I got picked out for the pat down and explosives test - really, I must do something about that unibomber look. Must have been the black leather boots and long black jacket, and with the the potential snap of rubber gloves ringing in my imagination, I stepped behind the screen andreliquished my personal space to a burly woman who's name must surely be Bertha.

My only moment of panic was when I was asked to put my bulging carry on wheelie on the scales - knowing full well that it had to be over the allotted 7 kgs and I almost passed out when up on that little LCD numbers screen came 12 kg's.
With visions of having to leave behind some of my beloved electrical and photographic stuff with the brusque Kiwi woman I gulped and explained that there wasn't much in there but it was weighty.
I lucked out and was allowed to continue on. In hindsight I could have left behind my brand new and at this point useless ipod with her because, thanks to a glitch in my computer the night before, I couldn't load a single song onto it before leaving. I still live in hope that I will be able to when I have a moment. With the lenghtiest part of the trip still ahead, it will be touch and go in the boredom stakes.
And for those who know me well, you will know the bitter tears I'd have had over not having my beloved music pounding in my ears for possibly the duration of the trip. Its the worst case scenario possible.

So despite having the tray on the back of my seat repeatedlt slammed shut and whacked open again by a tantrum chucking 3 year old behind me all the way between Brisbane and NZ, I enjoyed the flight and throughly enjoyed the meat pie and triple choc Kapiti ice-cream for lunch. Even the NZ spring water tasted better.

Oh my gosh, Auckland is just beauiful. Definitely a place I want to return to.
Flying in, in the early evening was just breathtaking.
The top part of the North Island was spread out before me like a great big slab of misshapen hedgehog, all the lumps liberally iced rich green icing clinging to the peaks and valleys. So So Beautiful with the light catching all the edges of the ridges and the little cars looking like those silver balls that you decorate cakes with sprinkled everywhere.
And how appropriate that the Land of the Long White Cloud had those fluffy which whipped cream clouds suspended in its stratosphere.
Such rich colours mustsurely alude to the wonderland that it would be to explore. Definitely doing that one day.
And the shops in the departure area alone made my eyes goggle. I was sorely tempted by the manuka honey pots adn white chocolate sheep. But I draw the line at the bungy jumping kiwi toy that will forever be suspended up the wrong way - thats too much even for me.

And the entire place was drowning in the All Blacks gear. Lucky I don't have a clue which end of rugby union is which - all those silver ferns beckoned even me. Like I said - lucky I follow the 'real' foot ball..... :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

4 sleeps to go: what not to leave behind.

You just know when you start the day by setting your kitchen on fire its not going to end well.

Thinking I could miraculously whip up lasagna for dinner before work ( I know – I must have been in La La Land - it never pays to be so confident), I attempted the impossible by juggling just one too many balls resulting in the majority of said balls landing at my feet within the quarter hour.


We have smoke alarms that are a little overly sensitive - even for smoke alarms, and tend to go off if you even look at them when you are steamed, so I really only rolled my eyes when it started its now familiar wailing as I hung out the washing. It was more the panic in my daughter’s voice drifting out of the kitchen through the open window that went something like this … “Muuuuummmmmmmm. There’s flaaaaaaaaammmes.”

One quick sprint and one quick Wonderwoman feat later, the fire was out, my favourite pot was ruined and the kids were looking down the barrel of a heat n’ eat pizza for dinner. :(

What did I do? Go into shock? Lament the lost pot?


I shrugged and got ready for work, having in the interim, lost any available time to pack for tonights whirlwind trip to Melbourne. There are just too many things crowding my headspace to let in what was now in the past.

Jump forward to now having finished my shift at work and racing home and enlisting reluctant teenagers to unpack groceries as I race around like a hairy nosed git reminding of rules and throwing random articles into my little wheelie case, kissing both babies and telling them I love them as I race out the door - ON TIME ( yes, I know this part is likely a shock) – for my journey to the airport.

Thinking to myself how this jetset lifestyle was a piece of cake, how it really quite suited me and how clever I was to find the elusive airport ( oh…. Ok… its big and hard to miss), finding an appropriately ‘under lights/not too far from the entrance/findable’ park and turned off the ignition with a satisfied twist.

I reached across to the passenger side and felt around in the dark for my purse. Nope. Must have put it in the back seat, which I often do.

Opened the back door and moved around my work clothes that I will need on my return trip but still no purse… not to worry, must be in the boot with my wheelie case.

And that’s where everything for the second time today went pear shaped.

No bag.

No flight confirmation printout.

No money.

No ID.

No time to backtrack and get it,

And no tissue for the threatening tears of dismay.

Just my keys and my clothes.

What to do?

After only a moments passing panic I decided that I needed to get inside that terminal and somehow check in without any proof of anything ( which incidentally, I miraculously managed) and then with as much panic in my voice as I could muster ( and really that wasn’t such a stretch) secured a free phone call home to check that I had indeed left everything of value at home.

Um… that would be a yes. :(

Millie answered the phone and informs me in a ‘take charge’ kind of voice that she had it all sorted and she’d arranged safe passage for my missing essentials to be delivered to me in just enough time for me to still board the plane and avert an expensive disaster. ( for which I am eternally grateful Virg – I owe you one mercy dash…. Oh ok…. at LEAST one)

And it needs to be said ….. Millie sweet pea, you are a champion. :)

Who knew I’d done such a great job of raising a teenager who responds well under fire? Very proud of her I was … and not just a little bit relieved.

And if nothing else, I’ve managed to test drive my readiness for a longer sojourn which unfortunately at this late stage, is still something I need to apply myself to in the next 3 days to make a better job of it.

I arrived in Melbourne in one piece, on time albeit with my travel guru cred seriously crumpled but thankfully not irretrievably damaged.

Am I ready for the Big One?

Hell No.

But I still have 4 sleeps to get it right.

8 Sleeps to go: One girls quest to free Willies all over the world. ( Another Lib-ism :) )

Today I watched a movie.

Now that’s not such a surprise, given how much I love movies.

This movie however, really touched a chord.

It was called “Luna” and was along the lines of Free Willy, only was a dramatization of actual events that took place in a tiny principality near Nootka Sound in Alaska. Long story short, it is the story of an orca whale that got separated from its pod and claimed this particular bay as its home, interacting fearlessly with the human inhabitants and creating a tug of war between the fisheries dept and the local indigenous community, who felt that the orca was the returned spirit of their leader.

The inevitable David & Goliath struggle ensued with the end result being that the whale was left to live undisturbed in the inlet for the rest of its days.

Now seeing this movie when I am going to be sailing right past that inlet made it all the more fascinating. Observing the cultural influences on art and lifestyle was something I became as absorbed in as the story itself. Like embroidery to an already breathtaking visual tapestry.

I really cannot wait to submerge myself in this corner of the world that beguiles travelers from every speck on the globe. Its so vastly different from the dry continent I’ve spent my life in thus far, that it must surely be the most fitting first place for me to explore on the American continent.

But unlike in a movie, I will be able to feel it through every sense.

The excited tingle is really starting to build now.

I can’t wait.

9 sleeps to go: Jedi’s don’t eat Pizza.

Interesting title you might say… and right you would be. You will do your head in trying to figure it out so I’ll explain … soon….

“Have patience, you must…”

So.. .wow… what a lot of time has passed since I attempted to describe the insanity that is the pre-stages of a trip of a lifetime ( to date anyway).

And am I further ahead? Sadly not much.

With the money I had been banking on literally only banked mere days ago, now I am severely pressed for time to book and pay for all the things that still need to be done. A few disappointments… I missed out on the lodgings that I had picked out for Anaheim, and that while a little upsetting, was also not unexpected. Time is short and the best places always book first. I had little option to but to wait, so now its down to plan (about ) F and hopefully my TA will earn her money by getting all my accom ducks in a row – and quickly.

Its now down to my ever more horrifyingly long list of ‘to do’s that will get me into the terminal on the 29th without a hitch. And god willing – on time.

With the secrecy of my sojourn partially exposed now and the displeasure from all the people I expected it from – with one notable exception – thanks Virg… your excitement for me buoys me immeasurably – I now have to contend with the ‘what a waste’ attitude that I knew would dampen my spirits.

One child knows, and his list of ‘Mum, can you bring me …’ is steadily increasing.

The other is still blissfully unaware of her impending adventure of her own to spend time with her new cousin.

So… the title.

You may well be asking what the hell that is about and honestly, I’d be hard pressed to explain it other than this…

You know how when you are at high school and your BFF’s and yourself come up with some crazy sayings and ‘in jokes’? well, that’s pretty much where that one stems from. And there will be more like it, mostly because they make me laugh without reservation and the friend that emailed me a long list of possible equally cryptic titles (that I have every intention of using – thanks Lib :)) is also responsible for the Polar Bear Privates title of the blog.

I laugh every time I read it. I hope you do too.

Although, I’m uncertain about how I am meant to work in fur lined G-strings and captain Kremmen into the conversation but try I must if for no other reason than to provide a laugh… and if only the author and one other reader know what it’s about… so be it.

Thanks Lib for the title idea… I knew I could count on you.

22 sleeps to go: Unda da sea…

Well, auditions were held, and there were a few front runners in the quest to become part of team Valentine, but despite a decent showing by my ancient Willy the Wonder Koala circa 1984 Olympic mascot and a tiger shark from Seaworld, in the end all comers were voted out of the house and I remain companionless.

The problem is that I am a Doll baby. I like dolls. I had lots and lots and lots of dolls, and still do.

I have precious few fluffies other than quite an array of assorted Mickey Mouses ( or should that be Mickey Mice ?) but I don’t want a companion with a higher profile than me. :)

And the few fluffies I own are all highly sentimental and more problematic… too large.

I can’t lug a larger than lifesized seagull around in my pack, regardless of how much I love it. And despite being roughly the same size as Buzzard, I am loath to take up precious pack space that might be better utilized by perfume, credit cards and lip plumping lip gloss that has botox-like results.

So … the obvious solution is to cast my net wider. Peruse the op shops, raid Millie’s stash ( a tiny Aladar caught my eye, only to be veto-ed by its reluctant owner)or just plain buy some random fluffy’s time and affection.

Time will tell.

So having waded through the plethora of excursion choices and having narrowed down the options, and then ultimately having made decisions about where, and what, I am now faced with the horrible thought that I might well miss out on some stuff that I really really want to do.

Namely snorkeling in Alaska. I would dearly love to add such an icy experience to my burgeoning list of ‘places I have snorkeled’.

Nothing, I expect, will ever surpass the snorkeling in Fiji. I’ve not ever seen such a wonderland under the surface before or since. Course, I live in QLD and still haven’t snorkeled the northern part of my new state so I might have to review that one day, but to date, that was just breathtakingly awesome. Drop offs like you would not believe all blooming with a garden of corals and plumes of fish sprouting out of the top of each and every one.

The brilliant colours and variety of sea life stretched on forever in the remarkably clear waters in the open ocean surrounding the Islands of the Mamanuca Islands. Dropped over the side of a boat in the middle of the biggest expanse of water I have ever seen…. Nothing but water as far as the eye could see in every direction.

Snorkeling in Tahiti was different, I chose a reef and then spent the better part of two weeks getting to know its inhabitants, one of my favourites being the resident moray eel. I never felt threatened by its teeth or proximity… just a fascinating creature that I treated with respect in its home turf. I never tired of floating in the warm shallow water above the rocks that housed the most amazing array of sea creatures.

At certain times of the day, a large family of Stingrays would feed in the lagoon and I would float an arms length above their flapping wings, observing and hardly breathing lest I spook them and they make a hasty retreat.

Snorkeling in Bali was different again. Mostly because there was limited visibility where we were and the most I saw were crabs, small schools of fish and lots of seaweed. It was still interesting, but for vastly different reasons.

Probably the most dangerous snorkeling because there would have been not a hope in hell of seeing any approaching sharks.

Snorkeling in the frigid waters of southern Victorian beaches requires a wetsuit. I didn’t have one. So forays were brief, the length of which was determined by how long I could stand my blood being turned to ice, and my extremities rendered a startling shade of bluey-purple ( even in the height of summer).

Still, the clear waters of such a cold environment yield wonderful visibility ( on a sunny day) and there was always something to see along the rocks of the oil wharf in Portland Harbour. Lots of crabs, octopi and little stingrays were the biggest quarry for a snorkler there. The image that sticks in my head from Portland is the limpets all over the rocks. Big ones, small ones, all stuck on with cement like grip. I loved how they looked and always enjoyed collecting those ‘little chinaman hats’ on the beach. I have many of them to this day… one of which sits atop the computer I am currently attached to.

I have also snorkeled in South Australian waters… once…. But seriously, unless you want to be white pointer fodder, you are best saving that mask, fins and snorkel ensemble for warmer and more hospitable environs.

On my life list of ‘must do’s’ is to swim with Whale Sharks in WA. I do believe I have enough snorkeling experience for the act of breathing to continue, regardless of the enormity of being faced with a shark the size of several buses. It would have to be second nature, because I am TERRIFIED of sharks ( read- borderline phobic), and I just might forget to exhale.

Not that I would let that stop me.

I’d be in that water in a heartbeat.

The one and only shark I have been face to face with was a little Port Jackson that my Dad caught when fishing. I remember how rough its skin felt – like fine sandpaper.

Its kind of odd that what terrifies me also fascinates me. And even odder that I choose to share sleeping space with a tiger shark fluffy.

25 sleeps to go: Oosik, Music and a fluffy sidekick.

So with this trip getting closer, and me being a girl, my thoughts have naturally drifted to what I will be able to buy. Souvenirs are a must have for me when I travel… when I get home, they are the permanent reminders of the wonders I’ve seen and something as little as a shell can transport me back to an amazing day on the beach on Moorea or the Balinese painting on the wall beside me as I type this plonks me straight back in a humid and ‘aromatic’ alley choosing from a huge pile of original art that I rolled up and carried home on a plane many years ago.

And by all accounts, the offerings just waiting for my greenbacks to arrive are many and varied.

The things so far that have made it onto a makeshift ‘if I see it’ list, are carved jade;

soap with glacial silt cleverly ‘cooked’ into the bar so that I come out of the bathroom glowing;

babushka dolls – now I have always wanted one of these – I love dolls, but vowed not to buy any until I was actually on Russian soil but considering the heritage of the area, it just about qualifies under the proviso that it looks ‘Alaskan’. No flower covered, rosy cheeked, overly decorated stereotypical version for me. No thanks…. I’m hoping to find some that have moose’s ( what’s the plural of moose? ) meese? :) And wolves and whales and eagles and bears… that kind of thing. One can dream I guess. preconceived ideas probably only lead to disappointment but hopefully someone over there decided to make a set with something intrinsically Alaskan. Oh ... I know…. Eskimo dolls? Now that I could handle.

Ok.. what else….

Oh yeah…. A drum. More specifically, a ceremonial drum … like a shaman might have. It appeals to my spiritual side and I know that there are local artisans who make them so, providing I can fit it in my luggage, I will be on the lookout for one of these.

I’ve also come across a knife ( that at this point, I’m not sure I could get back into Australia) known as a Ulu knife. Not even sure what it’s purpose is but it looks wicked. :) I believe it’s a cooking instrument so maybe if I shipped it home myself ( can’t take it onto the ship apparently) then It’ll be here when I get back.

I’m sure there will be heaps and heaps of things that will tempt me, but I have it in my head that I won’t buy any ‘made in China’ stuff, rather I’ll look for a sticker/label that signifies its Alaskan authenticity.

Ok… now here is where I head off into the Alaskan wilderness in terms of out there gifts.

Today I stumbled across a wondrous item ( and I used the term loosely) known as an Oosik. Believed to promote strength and make men more virile… or something…. I didn’t have a clue what on earth this might be and curiosity got the better of me.

So I googled it of course.

Well… let me tell you… I was shocked. And then rapidly amused.

Never in my life would I have thought that I’d even be tempted to purchase the penis bone of a walrus…. Seriously. But the more I read about this, the more I can’t pass up the opportunity to have such a conversation starter in my possession. It amuses me no end.

Now girls, if you ever wished you had one… for whatever reason…. This is your opportunity.

Just think about it….

Finally you’d be able to compare the length of your oosik…

And the other bastion of manhood…. The naming rights…

How about wonka ( as in Willy)

Or … tugar ( which apparently means something like walrus tusk or ivory in the local lingo) – can hardly imagine a more appropriate name.

Or perhaps … Richard.

The possibilities are endless.

I really want one just so I can name it. :)

And of course, to round off this wildly erratic list of must haves, I must have a few fridge magnets.

My kitsch item of choice. Can’t seem to resist them.

And it came to my attention that my little iPod shuffle is just not going to be up to the task of getting me halfway across the world with a sum total of 125 songs onboard. Not nearly enough music for an addict like myself. So the hunt has begun to find a reasonably priced iPod nanno to tuck into my carryon and alleviate the boredom at about hour number 6 on that plane trip. And the first choice of course is coloured or silver. And anyone that knows me would not hesitate with a resounding ‘coloured’ in answer to that. But I’m not so sure. I still have to be a little careful with the money that I’ll have available and $60 spent on having my music pink other than chrome is perhaps not such a good use of resources that might be better spent on something that screams ‘Mickey Mouse’.

And if I’m going to do it, I better do it soon because I can see it coming that there is not going to be enough time to do all the things on my list in the last couple of days. It’ll take a while to organize my music just the way I like it – considering I have barely begun to put my most important stress busters onto my laptop. Very little has made the leap from PC to laptop.

Now the revelation of the day is I’ve decided not to travel alone.

What’s this you say?

A travel companion?

Yep… a friends odd travel must-have ( a buzzard FGS J) has prompted me to sift through my fluffy friends and elevate one of them to travel sidekick.

Now I have seen these friends buzzard travel around the world with them and really, I just about roll on the floor every time I see a photo of this misshapen globe trotting fluffy in a new and exotic locale.

Actually I have several friends that do this.

And I think its inspired.

Its quirky and I’m all about quirky.

So tomorrow being a public holiday and I am blissfully being paid for the day off, I think that day will be the one when the fluffies get lined up and someone is voted onto ‘Team Valentine’.

Stay tuned for the big reveal…

28 sleeps to go: Fanciful Booze, twisted Zoos and packing up my Disney shoes.

Ok, today was a pretty interesting mixed bag of stuff. First off, a customer at work was gushing about some cruise she was going on and as usual, my ears pricked up at the sound of the word ‘cruise’ and before you could say ‘drink of the day’ I was squeezing all the relevant info out of the poor unsuspecting customer… ‘ when’ – two weeks. ‘where’ – Alaska ( this is when I actually got interested). The next question was a given, ‘ what line’ – Holland America. (this is when my voice got a little more squeak in it than was professional) ‘which ship’ ( she asks – holding her breath) - Amsterdam.


Next question slipped out before I could stop it… or before the brain actually engaged…. ‘do you frequent the casino?’ – ‘well not really’ came the response.

At this point I was advocating that she check out the casino. So the poor bugger will be fronted with some random woman from the sunshine coast before long, passing on greetings from an old friend. And I’m still laughing at the thought. Actually she was pretty vague… she’ll probably forget anyway before then… she’d forgotten several things between the changerooms and the door…. :)

Another thing about the cruise that has captured my imagination is the towel animals that are supposed to turn up on my bed every day.

Now I just love this thought. And as I understand it, there is a book that shows you how to make them. That book so has my name on it. And it’ll live on the shelf beside my book on how to twist balloons into everything from the ubiquitous dog to a full blown sailing ship with all the trimmings.

I can’t wait to see what animals turn up, and needless to say, I will photograph each and every one. I’m told if you tell your room steward that you like them, the likelihood of getting more exotic creatures increases so guess what I’m going to be doing? :)

Whimsy appeals to me so bending a towel into shapes it was never designed for tickles my funny bone.

Another thing I’m looking forward to is the ‘drink of the day’. I’m a girl that can’t resist drinks with umbrella’s in them. Pink ones, blue ones, yellow ones, orange ones or a mixture of all of the above… the more colourful the concoction, the more enticing it is. Ram a piece of fruit onto the rim and HEY PRESTO, it has my name on it.

I won’t regale you with my friend’s rather colourful version of why a cocktail is so named, but I am rather partial to them and with a bit of luck the drink of the day will not see me inebriated by the first dinner sitting. :) The words of my mother now ringing in my ear – everything in moderation.

Yes mum, I’ll be a good girl… ( and if I can’t manage good, I’ll just be satisfied with being good at whatever I’m doing at the time :) )

I’ve also given way too much brain power to the question, ‘can I live without Vegemite for the duration of my trip to the US?’ And if not, will they allow an unopened tube of the hallowed axle grease that I simply can’t live without, through their stringent entry procedures?

And ok, I suppose I should be able to find something else to put on my toast, but I’ve been deprived of one of my favourite snacks for such a long time now that when I am allowing myself to have those delectable carbs again, will anything but Vegemite suffice?

I think not.

Unless of course I find waffles… then all thoughts of Vegemite withdrawals will be erased.

Waffles trump toast any day.

And drizzle chocolate on said waffles and really, the vegemite ceases to exist.

Cursed with a fickle palate am I.

So my plans for Disneyland and LA in general are all but decided upon, I’m just waiting on that money to turn up in my account next week and it will be a furious round of bookings and payments and then I REALLY start to get excited. Not until last week did I allow myself to truly believe I was going to be setting foot in that magical place this time around. And the thought makes little bubbles of pure joy bounce around in my chest every time it wanders to the top of my thoughts – which is often.

I’m a little sad to be going there alone, but I’m sure I’ll still come back to my room every night with enough pixie dust clinging to my hair to offset not having someone to share those moments with – well, maybe take the edge off anyway.

You never get another first time.

Enough shopping bags and I’m sure I’ll be pretty pleased with myself just the same, despite not having someone significant to mirror my enthusiasm.

30 sleeps to go: Food for thought

now it is getting real… under a month.

And the apprehension is mingled with numerous emotions right now. All a little difficult to untangle.

And while I sat and perused the gorgeous excursion booklet while I was having my boring lunch today, I consoled myself with the fact that before long, I would be eating like a queen. Finally. ‘Losing to be cruising’ has definitely got whiskers on it. Don’t get me wrong… I love chicken cup a soups and I adore nashi pears, but really, it doesn’t compare to bombe Alaska in anyone’s language. Still I wouldn’t have lost 10 kgs in mere months on a bombe Alaska diet. Low/no carbs was the only hope I had.

They better have waffles on HAL! No one better get between me and that chocolate night either… that might be hazardous to their health… picture that bridesmaid going for the bouquet in slo-mo…. That’ll be me… trampling any comers…. The elbow that comes out of nowhere is likely to be mine…

I think it’s a safe bet that my suitcase might not be the only thing suffering excess baggage on the return trip :)

And bring it on. I like eating…. I’ve missed savouring morsels of culinary delight. Hopefully, my newfound carb consciousness doesn’t get in the way the enjoyment of said sin.

Hmmm… better pack the gym gear I think.

Oh… and that Yum yum man might be in mortal peril too…. lest he give up and just hand me the tray… (mood dependant of course) – which she types as she put another piece of low carb ( read ‘cardboard’ ) chocolate into her mouth. And in the absence of the real thing, it is having to do.

At least its Cadbury. :)

It still blows me away that before very long I’m going to be on the longest flight I’ve ever been on, followed by being on a continent that I’ve not visited, followed by being on the biggest ship I’ve ever been on, seeing more ice than is imaginable…. :)

Followed by DISNEYLAND! :) :) :) :)

I’m a fortunate girl.

32 sleeps to go: Diamonds are a girls best friend.

Well here we go… Online booking-in thingo taken care of… now all I have to do is turn up.

On one of my rare Sundays off work, sitting in the sun on the beach today,

(practicing using my camera J) I can hardly believe in 32 more sleeps I will be shivering in my boots. Everyone that knows me knows my aversion to being cold.

This is the LAST PLACE ON EARTH anyone would expect me to go… J which tickles me somewhat cos it makes the ruse all that sweeter.

A few of my family have been too sure of my choices for way too long now… should be fun seeing their reactions.

The latest thing to go into my suitcase was my watercolour pencils/paints and a cartridge paper journal… sometimes a picture tells a thousand words so if you see me sitting on the deck painting, come over and see how truly dreadful my painting skills are. It doesn’t matter anyway, cos I intend writing my personal journal over the top of the paintings. And I intend using Alaskan water to activate the paints just for authenticity. J

I rarely draw these days – I can only think of one person that has received any of my masterpieces of late. A bon voyage/Christmas gift as I recall.

Anyway, somehow I think the sights I am about to see might just inspire me to take up the pencils again. And I’m really looking forward to that simple pleasure.

Ok, the camera…. Now this is actually a friends professional camera and so far, my efforts are less than exciting.

Her advice? Leave it on Auto Lis… can’t get anything wrong on that ….”

Not really my style though. I love to experiment with photography so I might just play with the buttons a bit and see what I come up with.

Lisa: “Tan.. how do I get those dripping water shots?”

Tan: “Lis.. leave it on Auto… those shots are too hard… you’ll need a tripod”

Now that was like a red rag to a bull. I hate being told I can’t do something so I am now making it my business to find out how to achieve those shots and will present her with a framed photo of SOME DRIPPING THING on my return. J There’s got to be some ice somewhere in Alaska that will yield the desired result.

So prepare yourself Tan… it’s a-coming your way. J

I’ve got this odd mix of nerves and excitement bubbling around at any given time on the insides. Cruising is an unknown quantity so I’m sure I’ll make the odd faux pas while I learn the ‘right’ way to cruise.

Not sure if you could count the Blue Lagoon Cruise in Fiji.. although it was nearly as long as this one to Alaska but on a considerably smaller tug boat.

That’s my only foray into a life a sea. I’ve spent a lot of time in, on, under, beside the water, just not cruising.

Ok, another thing that is taking up a lot of brain power is the formal nights.

I am kind of coming around to wanting to dress up to the nines. The necessity for the glam gown to be squishable and lightweight is a given… I’m more worried about the growing pile of shoes that are going to have to be accommodated in precious suitcase real estate. This cull is going to be traumatic – I can see that coming.

Oh, to be a bloke that only needs a pair of hiking boots and a ‘good pair’ of shoes… two pairs of shoes is an unattainable goal… never ever going to happen. First there’s the uggies, then there’s my leather boots ( oh ok… I’ll only take one pair - L ) then there’s the gym shoes, then there’s the walking shoes, then there are the ‘good’ shoes. Then there are the other walking shoes for Disneyland. And the other good shoes. And the sandles. And of course, the other good shoes.

The formal gown is yet to be acquired. That alone will require a full day of searching and then agonizing that my butt looks too big, my flat stomach is years away, my legs are not up to scratch, and various other less than perfect body parts that I’d rather hide than expose with the obligatory strapless number. For starters, the Double D’s would object. I might be refused entry into the dining room for insufficient yardage.

And while I’m not generally opposed to such exposure, it might just put some poor diners off their tucker.

Yep, the dress is fraught with pitfalls… not the least of which would be the fact that I’ve not worn a dress in YEARS. I hate them. Don’t get me wrong… they feel wonderfully feminine when they swish when you sashay into a room, the trouble is ,the picture in my head is way short of the one the real world would observe.

Anyway, what the hell, I don’t get to indulge that ‘dripping with faux diamonds’ look all that often so I might just let the whim take me along for the ride. And while my preferences might be more 'Cindi Lauper music video' than Chanel, it’ll be fun to see how I scrub up.

35 sleeps: Laptops, Travel Docs and eternal flames

So 35 sleeps out and I have the laptop nicely protected with a new ‘coat’ that will then get shoved into my snazzy new ( yet to be purchased) cabin bag.

I also – as luck would have it, turned up with my weekly questions for my long suffering TA only to be presented with the most lovely cruise pack I could ever imagine.

For starters… blue is my favourite colour so seeing this lovely blue fabric wallet with the HAL ship logo embossed elegantly all over was just a treat.

It appealed to the decidedly girly part of me that appreciates things that are just that ‘little bit better’.

Everything HAL thinks I need to know was ensconced in that lovely wallet – which I can’t even get out and read yet because I still haven’t told my kids I’m going.

Everything that is, except the room number. Nothing but a big fat zero where my room allocation should have been so I am decidedly hopeful that the upgrade fairy might just pay me a visit. (Lisa kneeling and whispering ‘ window, window, window’ - I’d whisper ‘verandah, verandah, verandah’ but I’m not quite that unrealistic . Hmmm…. Maybe I should have been whispering ‘suite, suite, suite’ might as well aim high right?)

I also succumbed to the most beautiful pink suede passport cover today as well…. Yeah… I know…. Not really necessary, but it was pink for GS and it had a gorgeous crystals attached in a heart shape on the front …. Tell me how one resists that?

And it had a matching pink suede luggage tag in the kit, so really, it had to come home with me.

Another thing that made today interesting was the Olympic flame arriving in Australia today for its one day stay before moving on to the next leg of its journey. Now while that would always be something I’d be interested in anyway – I’m a huge Olympic junkie ; it totally absorbs me every time – this time was more significant because it had actually been equal number 2 on my list of possible vacations – along with Egypt. I had very seriously considered baking in the Chinese sun watching our athletes kick butt and then hitting HKDL for a few days of a Disney fix. But the Amsterdam, Alaska and Disneyland resort in Aneheim won in the end.

So I consoled myself by watching the Olympic flame relay being broadcast on the TV screens on the treadmill and the bike at the gym, and briefly imagined I was running a 250 metre length of that particular relay. Careful to change apparatus between the add breaks, so as to miss as little as possible. And honestly, I would have stepped off that tread climber long before I did had I not been so thoroughly absorbed.

I love the Olympics and that is still way way high on my life list of must do’s.

Despite the controversy that will likely plague the games in China, its still going to be a spectacle like only the Chinese can supply. Throw in a few Chinese dragons and I’m a happy girl. The fireworks alone will make it must-watch tv.

As will the fireworks right here in Australia when I let the cat out of the bag that I’m heading overseas for the better part of a month. …. I think you might be able to pick it up on Google Earth when they go off… J

Course, I have to wait as long as possible so no-one can sabotage my plans. Or at the very least, make me feel guilty for spending my money on something so ‘frivolous’ AND on myself. My dad, I’m sure though, will be cheering me on from his spot in heaven, and that’s all the encouragement I need.

Carpe Diem – I think I can hear him whispering that in my ear when I let my mind go quiet.

Life is short… and he is well qualified to know that. I refuse to waste a moment more of it.

From now on, there is always going to be a trip in the works.

38 sleeps to go: Let the games begin.

Ok now this is going by too fast and I have way way too much left to organize ( read about half of it) before jumping on that plane without a second look back.

All the important things like :

When to do the final waxing? What in fact needs waxing?

When to have my hair ‘done’ so it is in its most radiant glorified state?

When to pick up the camera from my friends place and start working out how the hell to use it, download photos and generally not break it.

To pack togs or not pack togs? ( read – how much is too scary? – that is for me – not the other passengers)

How the hell to narrow down the shoe requirements? And do I really need hiking boots?

The jury is still out on the ‘thermals’ issue…. Still think its just too Bridget Jones and will opt for the vanity choice of shiver in lacy underwear but be comfortable with the knowledge I’m prepared for any eventuality :) - like getting hit by a bus people – mind out of the gutter please.

And not to mention this minor detail…. Who is going to look after my kids while I disappear over the other side of the world for 3 weeks?

I suppose its still far enough out that I am not hitting panic mode yet, but while the suitcase is out of storage and there are even a few ‘must haves’ ( yep… lingerie :) everyone that knows me will know that’s what I’d pack first ) packed, I really haven’t given it much thought.

I do believe that I will have purchased at least 4 times the volume of clothing (to date that is – I’m still shopping) that I could ever possibly take in two suitcases so its just going to be a matter of culling mercilessly in the vain hope that I can co ordinate the entire couture to within some semblance of style and don’t miss the mark and end up looking tragically mismatched – or worse, inappropriately attired for the HAL crowd. That I couldn’t abide. I’m vain remember?

I suppose I should be thinking more about what excursions where, and accommodation in Seattle ( nope – still haven’t done that) and what I am actually going to fill my time with onboard. Not to mention, travel insurance, appropriately accessible spending money, anti virus software for my laptop and the plugs required so as not to blow the damn thing up the first time I plug it in onboard. My laptop only speaks Aussie at this point. :)

But they all take money I’m still waiting on so they are going to have to wait a little longer.

Then I have to decide when to actually tell my family I’m going. With the exception of one family member and three close friends ( and of course my boss) no one else knows. Nope, not even my kids.

At this point… the last second is sounding good. Oh.. and that post-it note on the picture of Alaska is still a possibility – cos I’m sure in some cases, the telling is not going to end well.

One milestone taken care of though… renewed Passport arrived today :)

Does anyone out there actually have a photo in theirs that they are happy with? I was sure that this time, with careful preparation and skilled ‘smiling without smiling’ I would at least pull off a half decent mug shot … but alas I was mistaken… I am destined to always have a ‘hide it at all costs’ shot in my passport – at least for the next 10 years anyway. And the next time I’ll be in my 50’s and I’m not sure I’ll improve that significantly to allow a better shot than in my 40’s. I guess there’s always plastic surgery

Lisa Valentine?

42… check

Trip booked but decidedly fearful…. Check

Self absorbed ex…..check

A gaping hole where adventure should be…. Check

That’s it… its official…. there is no doubt.

I am Shirley Valentine. Well ok… Lisa Valentine.

And while I may not be heading for the tranquil seaside vistas of Mykonos, I’m sure that Alaska will more than cover the ‘breathtaking’ component of my escape.

And escape I will have to. More than one of my family members will likely want to nail my fins to the floor. And that post-it note on the picture of an iceberg is sounding pretty appealing right now.

“Gone to Alaska – Back … whenever”

I really shouldn’t have watched that movie tonight. Cos within about 3 minutes I knew that I was going to be watching my own life play out on that screen. And I was right. But just how close to home it hit was still shocking to me.

And in only 41 sleeps I suspect I will be that woman sitting alone somewhere quiet, taking in the breathtaking view and perhaps wondering why dreams have a habit of turning out different from what you dream… no matter how hard you wish for it.

And So it begins. .....

Hello Family and friends :)

Well, here it is, as promised, my thoughts on my huge trip to Alaska and then California. And I will endeavour to share pretty much every magical moment of it with you. I will try to fill you in daily so you are not left guessing - internet connection dependent I guess.
I started early and unlike every single travel journal I've ever written, I promise to actually write something on the last day. Nothing annoys me more than the fact that I have never to this day written anything on the last day of my trips.
I'll also add some video and photos if I can manage it ;)

ok.... here it comes, jump on board the 'Lisa train' and feel free to participate with comments, I'd love to hear what you think.

Love Lisa. x