Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Disembarkation Day : One Chapter closes and another begins.

I woke early on the last day, not sure why because I had gotten to bed so late that by rights, I should have had a struggle waking up before lunch time.
Not having much to do, having packed everything but what I needed for the day, I showered and headed up to deck 8 for breakfast ( The Lido - or ‘the libido’ as it was called on occasion) and sat there by the window for about an hour, wishing the clock would stop and I didn’t have to get off the ship that I’d enjoyed so very much.
But time stands still for no man ( or even wonder woman) and the days of sailing were over for the time being.
I headed back to my cabin, packing the last of what I had remaining, and waited till the time that the people with white cards were meant to line up and walk down that gangway sad like everyone else disembarking.
No one looked pleased to be doing it, least of all me.
So I trundled off the ship, bypassing the majority of passengers because I was in the ‘non-American’ line and just sailed through customs and outside to join the line waiting for taxi’s.
Within about 6 minutes I was climbing out of a taxi out the front of the famous Pikes Place Markets.
This is a very colourful and interesting place, but I still think the Vic Markets in Melbourne would rival it in its diversity and lively banter.
None the less, there I was, dragging a wheelie and the aforementioned flimsy shopping bag… which let me down about 10 minutes into my foray in the packed markets. So after I had gathered up the loose bits of plastic ( no… nothing fell out - just the handles gave way under the pressure of assorted gifts) , I miraculously happened to be standing near a stand that was selling huge canvas shopping bags that, again as luck would have it - also fitted every last thing I had in my dilapidated one inside. So now I was the proud owner of a Pikes Place Market bag that I will use when I get home.
I remembered seeing a segment on some travel show - more than once actually - about fishmongers in these markets that put on quite a show, and managed to find them without a problem - mostly because they were A.) drawing a crowd and B.) really loud. And what a show it was. There were bags of clams and huge fish flying everywhere and I could not help but giggle at their antics.
It was so funny when there was a lull in the purchasing and the blokes in their stinky overalls said something like… ‘ you can buy some fish you know. We’re not just here for the photos’.. or something like that.
They were very entertaining and I stayed for probably 20 minutes watching their hijinks.
From there I wandered the rest of the market, buying a cinnamon sticky bun that was to die for, hitting the ATM at the markets and then finding a coffee shop just up the street that had free internet and massive mugs of tea for $1.89. I sat there drinking Tea for probably 2 hours, catching up on emails and visiting sites that I had missed checking on when I was aboard the ship with a time limit that generally meant that all I had time to do was read and reply to emails.
That place was an oasis.
They even phoned for a taxi for me - and wouldn’t let me give them even a tip to cover it ( I did sneak a fiver in their jar though before I went out the door ). They were lovely and if I ever find myself in Seattle again, I’ll be going back.
Once at the airport it was pretty streamlined because I had opted for the express delivery of my luggage to the airport and checked in for me, and I already had a boarding pass from the ship so I just went through the security check and straight to the gate.
One thing though, I am so sick of taking off my boots every time I have to go through those things. And this time, because I had kept my moisturiser and makeup remover for the night before, I had to watch them go into the bin at the airport because, despite having only enough left in either of them for the rest of the trip, their capacity was over the limit of what I could take as carry on and in the trash they went… with me looking forlornly after them, wondering where I was going to get those things within a short time of being in Anaheim.
The trip was a pleasant one, with a family on their way to their timeshare in Mexico sitting in my row that I was talking to most of the way. As soon as they heard the accent they wanted to know where I was from ( nope… not one of them can pick it) and then when they knew I was Australian, they are so full of questions, I could have answered them for another two hours after the flight.
They were lovely though and soon it was all over and I was spat out into the frenetic LAX bus pick up area.
And there I waited…drowning in exhaust fumes and hoping I was in the right spot. Countless smaller operators tried to get me to go on their ‘we’re going that way too’ bus but I was determined to go on the Disneyland one.
And was I glad I held out.
The smile on my face when I saw that bus went from ear to ear.
Pun intended.
And then it stopped right in front of me and out jumped the bus driver Mike with the cheeriest ‘ Disneyland folks… anyone for Disneyland?’
My response.? ‘Hell yeah!’
And on I jumped, sitting in the front seat so I could watch where we were going and see the Disneyland signs on the freeway and chatting to Mike all the way to the Menage. At one point he had me going … he’d said ‘oh.. There’s a Gator on the road’… course I thought he meant an actual gator not just a retread from a truck as they are known here .
It was pretty funny - me looking for a gator out the window.
Anyway, before I knew it, I was booked into room 103.
Wow.. What a room. This place is truly wonderful value for money. Yes, it is as noisy as so many websites said, but not when it matters - when I am asleep.
I have free unlimited internet and am using it to the max.
I also see the fireworks out my window every night - I just open the curtains and sit on the sofa and put my feet up and enjoy. The pool is wicked and I can do my laundry for only $1. There is an ice machine, business centre (meaning a secure internet line) brilliant restaurant, wicked bar, ATM and best of all, they have the Disneyland Shuttle stop right in the driveway so I don’t even have to walk to the parks - which might be a little too far when your feet are tired.
I had room service from the restaurant for dinner - the most wicked bbq chicken pizza the size of a large pizza back home and a mountain of fries - and it only cost me the same as if I had gotten a pizza from Portavinos back home. Only problem was that I don’t have a fridge so I just had to eat what I could and turf the rest.
I stayed up way too late on the internet (must have been having withdrawals) and then only woke up really late… but then it’s a holiday right?
A couple of late starts isn’t going to wreck the Disney campaign so I indulged myself on that score.

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