Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Anaheim Day 3: Sugar Baby....

Today was to be my mums surgery so I decided not to go too far afield lest my family contact me about mums progress. I spent the better part of the morning trying to contact my sisters without success - hours and hours worth. I even had the hotel staff helping me but they couldn’t do any better than I did. I tried everything.. The pay phones, the hotel phones, I even went and bought a phone card but still couldn’t seem to get through to either of them. So I figured, it was still very early morning over there so I would do a flying visit to the local supermarket and stock up on basics like water, coke, chocolate and chips. All the basic food groups. I caught a cab there and told him to pick me up if he wanted another fare - which he did ( late) but in the end, it cost me $20 for the roundtrip with tips.
But oh my Lord….
American supermarkets are just a wonderland for a sweet tooth like myself. Everywhere I turned there was another sugar laden option that I just could hardly pass up.
But that wasn’t all… they have an alcohol aisle.
I bought ( and still don’t know how I’m going to get it home ) a bottle of strawberry tequila mixer ( I became rather partial to them last week).
I also note how much cheaper it was to eat here - even adding on the tax, it still comes out much cheaper for many of the grocery items. For instance, you can buy 1kg… yes 1kg of fresh tortillas for $1.75 . Unbelievable.
The lolly aisle was one that took me some time to traverse. So, I bought the things I needed - the washing detergent, the water, The moisturiser that was turfed at the airport, chocolate. Then I started putting stuff I didn’t really need in my basket… well, when Pringles are 88 cents instead of around $3 you would buy more than one wouldn’t you? And I now know what texture sugar cookies are supposed to be when I bake them… and I tested out about a dozen just to be sure I would remember. Yep, it was sugar overload while I whiled away the hours waiting to hear about mum.
I spent the afternoon on the internet and planning for the next day in the parks… reading up and marking maps etc… I was going to be ready this next time. Not one hidden Mickey was going to escape my notice.
I didn’t even have dinner - I just nibbled sugary stuff. Boy, am I going to need to diet when I get home. I can feel spare tyreage starting to form as I speak.


Sunny said...

looks like we are going to have to be hitting fernwood pretty hard on your return Ms Valentine !!!!

Lisa Valentine said...

oh yeah... at LEAST Fernwood....

:) Lisa.