Monday, June 16, 2008

Day 7: (Disneyland) When Fantasy becomes reality.

Once again, I only got to Disneyland late… I got a middle of the night phone call from home ( which I was genuinely delighted about) from my Sister telling me that my mum had made it through her surgery and was starting the recovery process on a heart/lung machine.
While not out of the woods yet, its looking promising so that was wonderful news.
It was also a treat to have quick word to my DD who I miss a whole heap.
But I just couldn’t settle back to sleep for hours, there was too much information swimming in my headspace… so when I finally did, I told the alarm to ‘hush’ ( yep, I’m still thinking with that Southern accent) when it went off and I slept a little longer than I’d intended.
But once I did arrive, I made the decision to do Fantasyland today… despite it being nearly lunchtime and its likely to be overrun with strollers and infants in varying stages of tantrums… I braved it and went with it.
I decided to ease into the ride campaign, starting with the less populated ones and then put on the ankle armour and head for the headliners.
So it was Pinocchios Daring Journey that called my name first, and the line was so short, that I virtually walked straight onto a cart and with the overly enthusiastic attendants assurances that it is ‘one of the best rides’ still ringing in my ears, I was going through the first set of doors on this apparently brilliant ride. I hadn’t done this one before so from that standpoint, it was interesting. And as a long time Disney fan, I appreciated the retelling of the story in a 3D form. I did actually ride this twice because it was really quick .
From there I decided that the carousel being one of my all time favourite things (anywhere - I can’t go past one) was the next thing.
I stood and watched for a short time… mostly checking out the horses and choosing which one I’d most like to ride should it be possible ( yep… like all the other 4 year olds in the line) And then I saw it…. The horse I’d been reading about on the internet before leaving home….
And in that instant, I had to have that horse. So I lined up and watched that horse go around and around and made note of its exact whereabouts so that when it was my turn to ride, I could make a concerted effort to be the first one beside that horse.
And wouldn’t you know it… I was.
And I beamed long after I’d dismounted, taken a dozen quick photos and then got shooed out of the way so the next punter could try their luck with this beautiful steed.
Jingles by the way, is the lead horse on the carousel and has in recent times been given a makeover - as a dedication to the work that Julie Andrews had contributed to Disney over the years. It has lots of hand painted elements that symbolise aspects of Julies life, including her role as Mary Poppins and that of a Disney Ambassador.
And is the most beautiful horse on the ride.
Ok, so the ride that always seems to have a long endless line was surprisingly quiet today and with only an expected 15 minutes wait, I joined the line for Dumbo… another ride that is way way up there as far as my favourite rides go. Not even sure why… its slow to load, the ride only goes for a few minutes and every kid in the line is determined to have the pink elephant it seemed. Lucky for me, I wanted the yellow one.
The line really did only take about 15 minutes before I was to be on the next round, and with feather in hand (the attendants hand you a wooden feather to indicate that you get to ride in the next round) I boarded that Dumbo in the yellow ensemble that will be easiest colour to scrap the photos of and after getting the attendant to take my photo, I was up up and away in a pachyderm paradox.
And loved every last second of it.
From there, I decided that a trip to the Mad Hatters was in order… I was in need of some ears… and I emerged with silver ears and on a blue hat that has a hidden button in the ears that makes the beads sewn onto the front of it sparkle like the garden at the entrance of the park…
Well,…. Come on people… like I’d pick a pair of non-glitzy ears….
And of course, it now has a lovely cursive Lisa stitched on the back.
And… are the first pair I’ve ever owned.
I wore them all day and only took them off when I rode Indy and then when I went to bed.
Then it was onto Mr Toads Wild Ride… another one I’ve not ridded before. A lot like the Pinocchio and Snow White rides… a little car that propels itself around a track that takes you through on a ‘wild journey’ with Toady. As luck would have it, my car was the little red Toady one and off I tootled through the doors after a very long hot wait. I was just pleased to be out of the sun.
Something I have noticed about Fantasyland is the weather vanes on all the rooves… I’d not read about them before and so I went around photographing all of the ones I could find. I wonder how many people going through this land actually bother to look up… Mostly they are looking down to do something with or for a child no taller than their knees, so I guess its something that might be overlooked a lot.
From Toady it was on to Peter Pans flight. Another one that was closed for maintenance in TDL so I was looking forward to this one. Boy what along wait it was though - some of these older slower to load rides could use a fast pass line. But there is no room for that to be built on so there is nothing for it but to line up and bake in the sun. There were a lot of fractious littlies in that line by the time they were getting close.
I got a black pirate ship and it was a really cute ride. But I’d do it early in the morning if I were to do it again.
Ok… I was chewing through the available rides and I was really surprised considering there were heaps in the park today. So far, Peter Pan and Toady were the longest waits but the others were really quick.
As was Snow Whites Scary Adventure. I suppose its not really a headliner but I was able to literally walk into the waiting area and hope straight onto a cute little cart that propelled me through doors and into the dark of this ride. It was over as quick as a wink and so I rode it again a couple more times seeing as it was practically empty.
By then my Indy FP was up for grabs so I went and lined up and it still took me 20 minutes to get there. The staging areas are amazing. Such detail that it took me ages to walk to the end of the line cos I was taking so many photos. There was no rush thankfully as everyone knew that the FP line was pretty chockers too so everyone was just kind of wandering along till they got to the stopped line. By the time I had gotten back for my FP time, all the FP’s for the day were gone and you could hear the disappointed crowds trying to decide whether to wait 2 hours in line for one ride or perhaps have time to do 3 or 4. Not a decision I was willing to make.. I have just walked away when the line was that long. I have the luxury of being able to try again another day. it’s a first thing in the morning or FP ride - otherwise be prepared for a long long wait.
Ok, well, this ride deserves all its popularity. Its just like being in a scene from the movie with grand sets and stunning detailing. And that ride on the jeep is not for the faint hearted. It really throws you around and thankfully they give you a place to put your stuff cos you would be hard pressed hanging onto your things when you are being hurled from one side of the set to the other in the jeep.
What a hoot though.
Lots in that jeep are sighing, some are crying and then most are buying in the Indy shop conveniently situated across from the exit.
Loved it. Going to do it again.
So I headed back to Fantasyland and caught the Sword in the Stone show which was also cute. Seems to be what Fantasyland is mostly about - cute. Which I like.
Then, because of the blazing Californian sun, I felt the need for a Mickey Sandwich - which is not a sandwich but an ice cream. Well, it has icecream sandwiched between two biscuits so they call it a sandwich. Which confusingly ,can and mostly does, also mean a burger of any description.
Sheesh…. If only they spoke English.
Well, it was time…. I had been saving it for the day I did Fantasyland and I lined up eagerly in the Tea Cups line - which again was pretty sparse and it took only two rounds of the ride until I was sitting in a lovely blue cup excited to be finally sitting there.
As usual, I got the attendant to take my photo ( not game to hand my camera to randoms - well, I’ve done it a few times but they have without exception taken dreadful photos so I don’t bother anymore - and the attendants always take a couple so you have a better chance of getting a decent one).
And all too soon, it was over and I was exiting through the nearest gate - and wanting to do it all over again but by the time my ride was over, there was an almighty line up and so I just moved on, resolving to ride it again the next time I was in the park.
I’ve taken castle shots every day, but I’m still not happy with them. Its impossible to get shots without people in them… even when you get there at the crack of dawn. I still haven’t managed a shot sans tourists but am still trying. I have gotten some nice shots of it but not ‘the shot’ yet I fear.
I caught the parade again and also some grumpy attendants that were firing off salvos at the people that were refusing to sit down despite having gotten there way before the people that were behind them - because of knee issues I think, but in the end, they were made to move on and I thought that was mean, the people that had arrived behind them ( not me in case you were wondering - I was over on the very edge of the standing area so I could see and take photos) were only there a short time and were insisting that everyone in front of them crouch down. It was right near the start of the standing section and I thought they were so close they should have been allowed to stay. Some attendants are really nice and some really need a ‘Disney magic’ pill. It seems to fluctuate greatly throughout the park.
I’ve seen some wonderfully helpful staff and then some really officious ones, who really are missing the ‘have a nice day’ gene.
After that I shopped briefly and went back to the hotel to take a break and make some arrangements for Monday, when I will be going to Seaworld.
I arrived back at the park just on dark and wandered around different lands, taking night shots ( which without a tripod is not giving me the quality of shots I want - I’m still trying though - and have a couple I like but has taken probably 100:1 to get them. ( The delete button is getting a real workout at night)
I wandered around to the rivers of America to find a spot to watch Fantasmic and was blown away by the seething mass of humanity waiting where I wanted to be. Just unbelievable quantities of people. Needless to say, it was more about finding ‘a’ spot than finding ‘the right’ spot. I just wanted to see it in the end… and it took a while to find a place where I could squeeze myself under the roped viewing area.
And as soon as the show started I found out why there was a gap there…. I couldn’t see the stage on the island for a massive tree… I could see the stuff happening on the water, but mostly, it was centred on the island so I just had to enjoy the bit I could see and then vow to catch the late show when there were less really young families there and I might have half a chance of finding a place where
A) I can see and
B) where I am not having to bend like a pretzel to get around all the gazillions of strollers that decorate the park.
It really takes some doing to get a photo without a stroller in it. And it doesn’t seem to worry the local but it has started to bug me.
The minute that it was evident that the show was over, I sprinted off and surprisingly beat the majority of the crowd ( gathering their sleeping children I guess) and I got a spot under the ropes for the start of the fireworks way way in the back and with a squillion heads in the way - but it was lovely to see them for the first time with the music and the castle colours to go with them.
I am going to endeavour to get a great spot (EARLY) at the park on Sunday night to try my hand at those castle at night shots. Wish me luck.
From there, I slowly wandered along Main street and bought a few little things ( yes, one of which was chocolate) and then headed back to the hotel.
I have block out day tomorrow so will be heading shopping to a shopping centre that is on the tourist Transit route and I can get there on the same ticket I use to get to DL .
Lets hope is anyway.

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